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Christians Against Poverty


Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national charity that provides debt counselling for everyone, regardless of religious belief, race, age, or gender and can help manage your finances on every level - from basic money management such as budgeting, through to liaising with lenders to help you to become debt free.

Our CAP Debt Centre is open on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays between 9.30am and 2.30pm and is run by Sharon Hay, our CAP Centre Manager, supported by volunteers from church who accompany her on visits to clients.

The service is completely free of charge. If you need help, information or want to make an appointment, phone the FREE CAP Debt Helpline on 0800 328 0006.






Like all CAP Centres, the service we offer

is completely free. At CAP Preston we are

here to help everyone get over their debt

problems, it doesn't matter who you are,

what religion you are, nationality, sexual

orientation, or how you got into debt.


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